Atom Expeditions



Broader Access to AI

Leveraging the developments of privacy tech to democratize the access to AI models


Unleashing the power of big data and Artificial Intelligence technologies in Healthcare


Leveraging the innovation of AI to support equitable education


Supporting our national security through AI developments

Democratization of access to AI

Today we are witnessing an increasing concentration of data and information in the hands of very few large tech companies, like the so-called Big Tech.
A similar dynamic is a threat for the creation of a fair and equitable AI society as it is not possible to train AI models without data, which means that Big Tech is poised to control the AI innovation agenda in the next few years. A similar scenario will be deeply damaging for the competition in the US economy and for the American dynamism.
Decentralized competition was at the heart of American growth and dynamism in the previous century, allowing the US to outcompete authoritarian regimes.
It is critical to protect and strengthen this dynamism in the 21st century in the face of the competition challenges from new authoritarian adversaries.
It is paramount to enable thousands, millions of organizations of all sizes to access valuable insights, to build machine learning models, to contribute to AI innovation.
It is paramount to democratize access to data and AI models.
At the same time it is critical to protect the fundamental right of privacy, the current data ecosystem is completely broken as the only way to generate insights is by sharing sensitive data with shady and non-transparent brokers.
Privacy enhancing technologies (PETs) such as federated private data linkage, federated machine learning, homomorphic encryption algorithms, synthetic data, differential privacy techniques can pave the way to a future where researchers, physicians, small and medium businesses and millions of others organizations will be able to gain critical insights and to train valuable AI models without ever having to access the data itself, breaking the data monopole of Big Tech.
Atom Expeditions is thrilled to support cutting edge companies in all stages that are tackling the challenge to scale the adoption of PETs in every possible sector , fueling AI innovation across organizations of all sizes.

The healthcare sector is incredibly behind other industries in terms of penetration of big data and AI technologies.
The generation and processing of big data can have tremendous implications from the improvement of early diagnostics to the increase of success rate of delicate surgical procedures to the development of highly personalized and effective therapeutics.

The very much needed progresses go in several direction:

  • In many cases the data simply does not exist. That’s the case for instance in the large majority of surgical procedures: the surgeon executes the procedure but there is no collection of data at all. Creating a framework of Operating Room 2.0 where data is generated and collected in real-time not only will help the surgeons during the intervention but it will open endless opportunities of machine learning to predict the best possible combination of parameters to increase the success rate of critical procedures.
  • Privacy technology to connect and federate databases across healthcare organizations in total privacy safety: even when the data does exist, it is often siloed and not interconnected across the healthcare ecosystem. This eliminates the massive opportunity to apply machine learning algorithms for early diagnostics and personalized therapeutics as it is impossible to have a full picture of the health history of the patients. Clearly this data is extremely sensitive but the technology to enable privacy safe federation of databases exists and it is time to leverage it for medical applications
  • Early diagnostics tools: an early diagnosis can save a life. It is paramount to develop technologies that can go beyond the current 50 years old imaging technology to enable a more constant non invasive screening able to quickly intercept potential diseases. From nanotechnologies to predictive analytics based on simple non invasive exams, the opportunities are endless in this sector
  • Personalized therapeutics and lifestyle recommendations: the unleash of AI in healthcare can accelerate the development of algorithms that can establish highly personalized therapeutics protocol based on the parameters and history of each patient as well as optimized recommendations in terms of nutrition and lifestyle. These developments can be game changing in areas such as personalized immunotherapy against tumors , personalized protocols against neuro degenerative disease, personalized dietary and life recommendations against aging and many others

Atom Expeditions is committed in supporting bold companies and founders who are working hard to unleash the power of data and AI in healthcare applications

Unleashing the power of AI in healthcare

Leveraging the innovation of AI to support equitable education

We strongly believe that the only effective way to guarantee a more equitable society is by creating equal education opportunities for everyone, no matter the zipcode they come from.
Economic inequality is responsible for a huge disparity in terms of access to high quality education.
Our thesis is that generative AI can play a critical role in leveling the playing field: the development of virtual low cost tools can dramatically help students across all income levels in improving their learning process.
Until now most of the investments in generative AI have been focused on content creation for enterprise use cases such as content marketing or for more entertainment oriented applications.
We advocate a strong focus on generative AI in the edutech sector to create disruptive and very much needed innovation in our education system.
We are excited to support visionary entrepreneurs who are working hard at the crossroad of AI and edutech.

The world is facing huge geopolitical uncertainty and renewed risks of conflicts with potential nuclear escalations. New authoritarian regimes are becoming increasingly aggressive, the threat of international terrorism is still very much present, political instability is on the rise across the board.
In a similar context we advocate for a strong collaboration between the private sector and the public sector to accelerate innovation in the critical area of national security.
The examples of successful private/public partnership in support of the American dynamism are today numerous, from SpaceX and NASA to Anduril and Palantir and the DoD. With the right oversight and accountability and ethical frameworks, similar partnerships can significantly improve our capabilities to defend the country and its critical allies from a huge variety of dangerous threats.
We are thrilled to support founders and/or early-stage funds that are focusing on this area of innovation.

Supporting our national security through AI developments